Yeah, huzzah, bravo.

Frey flies into action

followed by her spider friend

all to take back to

her home the sacred chalice.

I would buy any book that had such a heroine. She's brave, she's nervous,

She's not a superwoman who could be four soldiers.

More, more, more, I demand it.

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Stoked you enjoyed Frey and Jaspar's antics so much. Thank you. There's certainly more to tell.

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Ha! I liked this one. It made me sit up at the beginning there when her pet has mandibles. 😂 There was a fantasy writer I read back in the ‘80s called Sherri S. Tepper who wrote a novel called “Grass” that came to mind as I was reading this tale of yours.

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Thank you! Yes, a sirog is a strange beast.

I haven't read Tepper but her books sounds intriguing, thanks.

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Absolute tension from start to finish: I was thumbing my phone screen in a blur just trying to keep up with the speed I was reading. My favorite part was Frey using the pissing guard as a distraction, giving just enough of an edge to escape. Also, the spider-pet. That's just plain cool.

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Thank you for the kind words, great to hear the specifics too. It's a little ridiculous but if a burglar talking about someone pissing it would definitely catch me off guard for a moment. 😁 Thanks for reading!

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Thank you! I love the lively tone. Your story is alive, living and breathing.

Maybe I’ve missed it, I tend to read too quickly, but you got to tell me - WHAT IS JASPAR?! (I’m sorry if I’ve written the name wrongly, I can’t check it out from my phone without losing this comment) Eight legs, red eyes, furry, eats rats...?

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Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the story so thoroughly.

Jaspar is a sirog. Imagine a cross between a jumping spider and an Irish wolfhound, close to that I'd say.

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Jaspar sounds really cool! Is he your creation or a mythological creature?

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Thanks, he is my creation 🙂

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