The Atlanteans of Proxima b: Introduction & Contents
A Reader's Starchart
In the Year of Our Lord 2731 we reached our nearest neighbouring star system, Alpha Centauri, with The Ark, a starship built for 10’000 cryogencially frozen people to take a thirty year one-way trip and set about colonising the planet Proxima b, a tidally locked world dominated by one enormous Pangaea-like continent in a salty sea.
But they were beaten to it. On Proxima b they found a population of humans speaking a strange language with strange customs and stranger gods. A polis who call themselves Atlanteans and claim to have sailed from Earth, or Gaia as they name her, thousands of years before. Yet, for all their claims not everything is as it seems…
A promising first contact turns sour as clashes of language, faith, and history rupture any hope of friendly relations. The new arrivals are forced to the western side of the continent where, for a year, a stalemate develops but soon thoughts turn to the ancient humans on the eastern edge and one man knows he must recontact them if they have any hope of survival…
Prologue - Arrival at Proxima b
Chapter 1 - 6th - 16th June in the Year of Our Lord 2732
Chapter 2 - 27th February
Chapter 3 - 6th March
Chapter 4 - 13th March
Chapter 5 - 20th March
Chapter 6 - 27th March
Chapter 7 - 3rd April
Chapter 8 - 10th April
Chapter 9 - 17th April
Chapter 10 - 24th April
Afterword - 1st May